Thursday, September 9, 2010

God Cares! Even for your health!

Hello to all my dear friends!  I pray your day has been blessed!  I wanted to share something that happened to me last night that has really reminded me of just how much God cares for us.  I was at church for mid-week study and was part of the worship for the evening.  The study was great and I was very  blessed, as the end of the message was coming and I was preparing to quietly make my way back on stage to finish our last song, Paster Ed then decided to have only our leader go up.  It was unplanned, but Ed invited anyone who needed prayer to come up as we entered into an unplanned time of afterglow.  As he was talking he said he thought that maybe there was someone on the worship team who might need prayer and not being on stage would allow them the opportunity. 
  I was touched by the great moving of the Lord in the body of Christ as I watched people go up to be anointed by oil and prayed over, but had no intention of going up myself.  I couldn't really think of anything important to have prayer for, I mean there were people who had really crazy things happening and needed prayer more than I did.  As I continued to worship I felt a tug on my heart to go up, but I asked the Lord why, I couldn't think of any reason.  As I fought the Holy Spirit, I saw a dear sister come up and sit in front of us seeming to be waiting for the next available prayer team member, she had been on my heart and I felt like I should go over to her and pray for her.  As I was thinking about approaching her I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was another dear friend who leaned over and said, "I think you are suppose to go up and get prayed for", I replied "I know...", and then she went and sat down.  I began to weep as I stood up and went around to the front.  There were no available prayer team members so I sat next to my friend who I felt I was suppose to approach to begin with.  She then put her arm around me and said that the Lord had put me on her heart and she came up to find me.  We decided to pray for one another, although I could hardly compose myself enough to get any words out.   I still felt unsure of what I needed prayer for. 
As she started to pray though, the Lord gave her the words and she began to pray for my health and any insecure feelings I might be having, along with a few other things. 
I had certain health concerns, including my Celiac Disease and the health of my kids, along with some feelings of insecurity that I had kept quietly tucked away.  As the Lord spoke through my dear sister, I realized that I had been trying to deal with some of these issues on my own.  Although I had been praying about many of them, I was too prideful to go to another believer for prayer.  I hate admitting that, but in a nut shell that was my reason for delayed obedience (which is really disobedience).  Needless to say, I was soo incredibly blessed and filled that I felt like I was floating after everything was done.  God cares so much about me that he came to me where I was struggling to come to Him!
Be encouraged dear ones! The Lord cares for you sooo much that He has come to you and wants to love you and have fellowship with you.  Whether our struggles are feelings of insecurities or struggles with having food allergies, God cares!  May this blog and the opportunities that we have to come together be more than just talking about food! May the Lord touch your heart and draw you near in every area of your life including your health! God Bless! Stephy


  1. Hey Steph! I've been on a journey of my own this past year - finding out that my son is sensitive to (drumroll please...): wheat/gluten, cane sugar, white rice, all artificial flavors and colors and preservatives, pesticides (on fruit and veggies) and fungicides (like used on potatoes). We've also gone away from cow's milk whenever possible (doing more of goat milk or almond or coconut milk). It's easy enough to find prepackaged foods, mixes and recipes for gluten free and even gluten and dairy free - but add in NO SUGAR and now it's REALLY rare to find ANYTHING I don't have to make myself from scratch. For others in our position I've started a blog of my own with recipes and ideas. God bless you as you endeavor to live a healthy life and glorify Him.

  2. Yay :)Congrats on the new blog! What an encouraging and honest post. May you be greatly blessed and God continue to be glorified as you live your life out for Him!

    Alisa Coriell

  3. Thank you for sharing this Stephany...I love to hear how miraculous our Lord Jesus Christ is...
