Thursday, September 16, 2010

A punch in the pocket book! Shopping allergen free on a budget!!

If you haven't noticed yet, changing diet habits often takes a toll on your budget.  I've been told that having food allergies can increase your grocery bill by 20% or more, and man can I testify to that!!  When I first found out we had multiple allergies, especially the wheat and gluten, I went straight to the health food store and bought a bunch of expensive mixes and prepackaged GF foods.  This, if you haven't noticed yet, just isn't a good budget choice.  Since then I have been asking the Lord throughout the last year to show me how to make our grocery budget stretch while purchasing everything we need and making sure we are all eating nutritious meals that are allergen free.  One of the biggest budget savers I found was couponing. 

I never thought I would be a "couponer" but here I am.  It's amazing what hoops we are willing to jump through when we are trying to save money.  Before we knew there were any food allergies in our family, I began couponing.  I ordered the weekend paper and cut out and organized all the coupons that came on Sundays (plus any that I came across in other places).  I spent at least 5 hours (stretched through the week) going through adds and trying to find coupons to go with the sales and specific products we might have needed at the time.  I averaged savings of about $70 per two week shopping trip.  After about six months my good friend Alisa gave me a call and told me about a website,  I tried the free four week trial membership and have been using it since.  (There is a small fee every 8 weeks, but it is well worth it!)  I am not trying to sell this site like a product, but it truly changed how I shop. 

                          This is how I have organized my coupons, it seems to work pretty well!   
The idea of the website is to give you a list from your local grocery stores of all the things that are on sale, including many items that are not in the weekly add and items that are on clearance that week.  The list is broken down into categories and allows you to see what items are at their lowest price (based on a 12 week sale cycle for that store.. meaning those items will most likely not be at that low of price for another 12 weeks, stock up now!).  It also tells you whether or not there is a coupon for that item, what you will pay if you have the coupon, and what week that coupon came in the paper.  The first week I used the list, it saved me hours of going through the adds and I saved around $160!  I paid $180 for our two week shop instead of $340! Now this may sound like I am some testimonial for the website (which I guess in a way I am), but my point is that I found a tool that has allowed me to stretch our dollars as far as I possibly can. 

My point...Here it is...Since I have been doing this system of couponing and using the website, I have been able to spend less on the things I need (cleaners, produce, etc) and redirect the saved funds to purchasing the more expensive essentials like GF flour etc. 

Now, I totally understand that many of you either don't have the time to put into couponing or you just don't feel like it's for you.  Don't worry, there are still some things that you can do to tame that pocket book! And if you are couponers, you still should implement these steps too!

1.  Make a MENU!
     Take a look through the local grocery adds (or health food store adds) and figure out whats on sale.  Plan out your meals for the next week or two around what is in season and on sale.  Make sure you are planning balanced meals and find substitutes to accommodate your allergies that are not so expensive. 
  • Obviously, depending on your diet, you are still going to have to buy substitutes that are a bit pricey, but knowing where to buy them can help cut those costs.  For example, there are some great gluten free noodles and other products that tend to be cheaper at Wal-Mart rather than the grocery store.   Subbing rice for noodles (brown rice preferably) or baking your allergen free bread from a mix that costs $3.49 at Vitamin Cottage compared to buying a pre-made loaf at the store for $5.50 are also ways to save. 
  • CHEAPER PRODUCE!  Now, this will be different depending on where you live and what stores you have around you, but generally I found this to be true.  Produce is usually cheaper at health food stores such as Sprouts or Sunflower market than at the grocery store.  Check their adds for what is in season and compare it to the grocery store add.  I have found the price of produce to be significantly cheaper at these store enough for me to make the extra trip.
  • ASK AROUND!!  The best way to learn where to buy stuff is getting involved with other people who are dealing with the same allergies.  You will be amazed at how many helpful tips and how much rich knowledge you can glean when you get involved in support groups or get together with other moms and dads whose kids have the same allergies.   (Blogs are a great resource for this if you are not able to actually get involved in meetings.)
2.  Make a PLAN!  Set a budget!
    DO NOT go to the grocery store without a list!! A BIG NO NO!! The list is what keeps you from impulse buying.  Plan out your shopping trip and tell your money where it's going! Don't let that chocolate bar that is beckoning you from the sideline snatch away any money that is meant to go towards something else!
  • CARRY CASH!! If you pull out cash for your groceries, you are much less likely to spend over your budget (Dave Ramsey speaking here :) )   If you don't have the money, you DON'T buy it! Wow! What a concept! 

3.  Eat IN instead of OUT!
    For those of us who are on strict budgets, eating out can be a killer.  We often set ourselves up for a fall when we don't plan ahead.  After making a menu, consider your schedule and plan for easy meals on the nights you are going to be busy and you know you won't have time to cook.  Pre-prep as much as you can when you have extra time.  (I am still learning this myself!). 
  • If you know you are going to want to eat out at certain points, plan that money into your grocery budget and pull it out in cash!  Set it aside and know that when it's gone it's gone!!
Although these steps are not all pertaining specifically to shopping for allergen free foods, the steps (if you are not already implementing them) will help you control where your money is going and free up more money for you to use towards those more expensive products that are essential for your diet.

I hope this has helped you, even if only a little.  This is, as I have said, what has worked for me, but if you have found ways that have helped you to control those escaping dollars when it comes to your grocery budget since you have started shopping allergen free, please share with us in the comments! I am always open to learn more!  God Bless and happy shopping!!  Stephy

Gluten and Egg FREE Buttermilk Pancakes! YUM!

Wow!  It has taken me all week to find time to post this, but hopefully it will add one more yummy dish to your list of delicious allergen free breakfasts!  I often make these for our whole family (Daddy can't tell the difference that it is gluten and egg free!).  The key to these pancakes is Ener-G powdered egg replacer and Pamela's baking and pancake mix (I usually buy the large bag from King Soopers, it costs around $14.99).  Unlike Bob's Red Mill Gluten-free all purpose flour, which is a great flour to use in recipes, Pamela's baking and pancake mix offers a less gritty texture and tastes almost like a whole wheat or whole grain flour.  The only downside to the Pamela's baking and pancake mix is for those who have dairy allergies because the flour has milk in the mix.
The recipe itself is not my own, I adjusted the regular recipe I use from Better Homes and Gardens cookbook, the 75th anniversary edition to accommodate our allergies. (I encourage everyone to try adjusting favorite recipes with different substitutes depending on your allergies. you may find that you don't have to give up those favorite foods, just find ways to make them allergy friendly!)
So here it is!!!

Buttermilk Pancakes
(adding fresh blueberries makes for a yummy fruity twist!)

I usually double the recipe for our family,
you can expect to make about eight standard size pancakes per batch.

Prep: 10 minutes Cook: 4 minutes per batch
Makes: 8 servings

1 cup all-purpose flour *Pamela's baking and pancake mix
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 beaten egg *Ener-G powdered egg replacer
1 cup buttermilk or sour milk
(If you don't have buttermilk on hand when
preparing baked goods, substitute sour milk in
the same amount.  For each cup of sour milk
needed, place 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vine-
gar in a glass measuring cup.  Add enough milk to
make 1 cup total liquid; stir.  Let mixture stand for
5 minutes before using.)
2 tablespoons cooking oil

1. Combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Make a well in center of flour mixture; set aside. Combine the egg, buttermilk, and oil.  Add egg mixture all at once to flour mixture.  Stir just until moistened (batter should be lumpy. *add more Pamela's baking and pancake mix 1 tbsp at a time if needed until the mixture is thick enough.) Add additional buttermilk to thin batter, if necessary.

2. For standard-size pancakes, pour or spread about 1/4 cup batter into a 3-inch circle onto a hot, lightly greased griddle or heavy skillet.  For dollar-size pancakes, pour or spread about 1 tablespoon batter into a 1-inch circle onto a hot, lightly greased griddle or heavy skillet.  Cook over medium heat about 2 minutes on each side or until pancakes are golden brown, turning to second sides when pancakes have bubbly surfaces and edges are slightly dry.  Serve warm.

Pancakes: Prepare as above, except substitute milk for buttermilk, increase baking powder to 2 teaspoons, and omit baking soda.

Tip:  My kids love when I put a little bit of strawberry jelly or preserve or a fruit spread on their pancakes instead of syrup.  Have fun making your allergen free meals and please feel free to share your recipes by commenting or e-mailing me at  I will try to pass them along in our blog! God bless! Stephy!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

God Cares! Even for your health!

Hello to all my dear friends!  I pray your day has been blessed!  I wanted to share something that happened to me last night that has really reminded me of just how much God cares for us.  I was at church for mid-week study and was part of the worship for the evening.  The study was great and I was very  blessed, as the end of the message was coming and I was preparing to quietly make my way back on stage to finish our last song, Paster Ed then decided to have only our leader go up.  It was unplanned, but Ed invited anyone who needed prayer to come up as we entered into an unplanned time of afterglow.  As he was talking he said he thought that maybe there was someone on the worship team who might need prayer and not being on stage would allow them the opportunity. 
  I was touched by the great moving of the Lord in the body of Christ as I watched people go up to be anointed by oil and prayed over, but had no intention of going up myself.  I couldn't really think of anything important to have prayer for, I mean there were people who had really crazy things happening and needed prayer more than I did.  As I continued to worship I felt a tug on my heart to go up, but I asked the Lord why, I couldn't think of any reason.  As I fought the Holy Spirit, I saw a dear sister come up and sit in front of us seeming to be waiting for the next available prayer team member, she had been on my heart and I felt like I should go over to her and pray for her.  As I was thinking about approaching her I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was another dear friend who leaned over and said, "I think you are suppose to go up and get prayed for", I replied "I know...", and then she went and sat down.  I began to weep as I stood up and went around to the front.  There were no available prayer team members so I sat next to my friend who I felt I was suppose to approach to begin with.  She then put her arm around me and said that the Lord had put me on her heart and she came up to find me.  We decided to pray for one another, although I could hardly compose myself enough to get any words out.   I still felt unsure of what I needed prayer for. 
As she started to pray though, the Lord gave her the words and she began to pray for my health and any insecure feelings I might be having, along with a few other things. 
I had certain health concerns, including my Celiac Disease and the health of my kids, along with some feelings of insecurity that I had kept quietly tucked away.  As the Lord spoke through my dear sister, I realized that I had been trying to deal with some of these issues on my own.  Although I had been praying about many of them, I was too prideful to go to another believer for prayer.  I hate admitting that, but in a nut shell that was my reason for delayed obedience (which is really disobedience).  Needless to say, I was soo incredibly blessed and filled that I felt like I was floating after everything was done.  God cares so much about me that he came to me where I was struggling to come to Him!
Be encouraged dear ones! The Lord cares for you sooo much that He has come to you and wants to love you and have fellowship with you.  Whether our struggles are feelings of insecurities or struggles with having food allergies, God cares!  May this blog and the opportunities that we have to come together be more than just talking about food! May the Lord touch your heart and draw you near in every area of your life including your health! God Bless! Stephy

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A bit about us!

Hello to all of our fellow friends with allergies!! 
This first blog is going to be a bit about us and what our goal is for A.F.L. Allergy Free and Loving It!.  Our names are Stephany and Melissa. We are both moms and wives who have been faced with the challenges of food allergies. To those who have been blessed with no allergies it may not seem like a big deal, but we are here to say, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA!". This new season in our lives has been one of the greatest challenges we have faced.

We both personally have food allergies, Stephany has Celiac disease and Melissa has Dairy allergies. When fending for ourselves, although difficult, it is manageable, but add in our kids... that's a whole new story.

We each have two boys under four years old. Stephany's oldest has a severe egg allergy and her youngest has a wheat allergy. Melissa's oldest has an egg allergy and is now facing another diet change of being gluten free (due to possible autism).

As we both have been facing frustration and exhaustion trying to balance all the food needs of our families and trying our best to find creative, healthy, and especially tasty meals staying within our budget, we decided to join forces and gather strength and ideas from each other.

Not being alone in this new adventure of becoming allergy free (or should we say free from the chains of allergies!) has been a God sent!

We have decided to create this blog in order to invite you to be part of our quest to be allergy free and loving it!

We pray that the Lord will use our adventures, whether successful or not so successful, in order to encourage others to not give up, but to find new ways to enjoy your food!
Both Melissa and I will be posting on A.F.L. Allergy Free and Loving It! and will share our thoughts, cooking ideas (and experiments), and any information regarding living with food allergies that might be a help to any of us. 
We are both Christians who desire to not only encourage each other practically but spiritually as well.  From time to time, as the Lord leads, we will also share scriptural encouragements on this blog.
We are very excited to get this blog started as well as our support meetings that will take place every 6-8 weeks.  We will keep you updated when those meetings are for those of you who would like to join us.  Typically our meetings will allow us to interact and gain knowledge and encouragement from one another as well as have an opportunity to swap recipes, make new friends, and learn about topics pertaining to food allergies.  We look forward to seeing you there! Have a blessed day!
  • Our next meeting will be on Sunday, September 26th at 3:30pm.
  • We will be meeting at 16767 E. Belleview Pl Centennial, CO 80015
  • Please bring a favorite allergy free dish to share and the recipe (according to what your allergy is)